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Long term plan for project sustainability:

King Xolo Long Term Plan starts with the initial gamification that includes staking and questing platforms as well as a token swap that will enable holders to unlock the value from the Golden Temples.

The King Xolos extended Roadmap will include at least 3 additional NFT collections that will unlock more utilities and crypto earning opportunities including but not limited to an NFT collection to support a custom built P2E Dog Racing application, and true Second Generation collection that will unlock the gateway to more fun ways to gain on one’s crypto assets!


Web 3.0 alliances are essential to promote collaboration, establish standards, facilitate interoperability, and provide resources and expertise. This fosters innovation and trust in a decentralized environment, accelerating the development and adoption of advanced web technologies. That is why, at King Xolo Locker Room, we have sought to get closer and make alliances with the most popular projects within the ecosystem, to bring great benefits to our users.

Long Term Plan